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Several senior leader of the Taliban have surrendered to the new interim Afghan government, but they have been allowed to go free and will not be turned over to the United States, a Kandahar commander said on Wednesday.
Jalal Khan, a close associate of Kandahar Governor Gul Agha, told a new agency that the Taliban officials had received general amnesty after they recognised the interim administration in Kabul.
They have been allowed to go back to their homes and live with their families, Khan said.
"Those men who have surrendered are our brothers and we have allowed them to live in a peaceful manner. They will not be handed over to America," Khan said. "However, they will not participate in politics," he added.
They include Mullah Ubaidullah, the defense minister, and Nooruddin Turabi -- the one-eyed, one-legged justice minister who imposed some of the Taliban's harshest edicts.
Others are Abdul Haq, former security chief of Herat province, minister of mines Mullah Saadudin.
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External Link: For further coverage, please visit www.saja.org/roundupsept11.html
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