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Close to 10,000 Americans have started taking anti-anthrax antibiotics in response to a government urging asking people to start taking medications as a precautionary measure, an agency report said on Thursday.
Meanwhile, health inspectors found more of the deadly bacterium in a Senate office building, even as the postal service decided to issue masks and gloves to its 800,000 employees
Contributing to numerous conspiracy theories floating around, Republican Senator Bill Frist warned that food supply might be the next target of terrorists.
"What bothers me is these terrorists are trying to take down our infrastructure one by one," the senator said on NBC television.
"First it was the World Trade Center and air planes where our transportation system was paralysed for a while. Second they've been using biological weapons to try to take down our postal system. And if you look ahead, we know that food has successfully targeted in the past," he said.
America's War on Terror: The complete coverage The Attack on US Cities: The complete coverage
The Terrorism Weblog: Latest Stories from Around the World
External Link: For further coverage, please visit www.saja.org/roundupsept11.html
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