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March 28, 2006 |
First Look MJ Kim/Getty Images Camilla is charmed by Punjab's villages.
March 27, 2006 |
The prince and the people Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty Images Prince Charles was in India on a week-long visit.
First Look Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty Images Prince Charles loves India.
March 22, 2006 |
Ram, roti aur Uma Saab Pictures and AFP/Getty Images Uma Bharti's show of strength.
March 16, 2006 |
First Look Aamir Qureshi/ AFP/Getty Images The world's most exotic motoring adventure.
First Look Michael Dunle/AFP/Getty Images
Prince of many hats.
March 10, 2006 |
First Look Kalapani jail is 100 years old.
First Look Tekee Tanwar/AFP/Getty Queen Rania charms Delhi.
March 8, 2006 |
Serene realms AFP/Getty Images A journey through the monasteries of the Himalayas.
March 7, 2006 |
Amma embraces Mumbai Jewella C Miranda Amma is the only name millions of devotees know her by.
First Look Manpreet Romana/Getty Images Roy leads Kerala farmer widows.