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The Top Five Rock Bands Ever

This is the kind of question that can turn sane folk a little crazy.

It's the kind of query that can inspire passionate debate. I know someone who stopped speaking to a friend after a difference of opinion on the issue.

Is it trivial? Perhaps. For those who can't imagine life without music, however, this is a very serious matter indeed.

So, without much ado, here is our list of the top five rock bands, ever. Yes, we've kept The Beatles out of it, simply because they are a band that defy categorisation, with an influence that goes far beyond just pop and rock.

Sticking to pure, good old fashioned rock 'n' roll, this is what we came up with. Tell us what you think. And e-mail, if only to scream at us.

Text: Preetee Brahmbhatt | Photographs: Getty Images

Also Read: Is Coldplay the biggest band in the world?


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