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The biggest Hollywood divorces

If you want to be a lawyer, you really should aim for a practice in Hollywood. One can imagine them circling like sharks, waiting for the next celebrity marriage to collapse.

Earlier this week, UK tabloids began to speak of another big break-up round the corner -- this time between Madonna and her filmmaker husband of seven years, Guy Ritchie. Apparently, the lawyer supposed to handle the case for Madonna is the same woman who took on the Paul McCartney versus Heather Mills divorce not so long ago. And we all know how well she managed.

Where would tabloids be without celebrity divorces? What stories of rancour would they print? For those who don't remember, here's a look at some of the messiest ones in recent memory.

Text: Preetee Brahmbhatt | Photograph: Indranil Mukherjee/AFP/Getty Images

Also Read: Madonna and Guy call in divorce lawyers


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