The Special Investigation Team formed by the Supreme Court to inquire into the post-Godhra riot cases has decided to seek an extension, SIT chairman and ex-Central Bureau of Investigation chief R Raghavan said in Ahmedabad on Thursday.
The three-month term of the SIT, constituted by the apex court in March to re-investigate the Godhra train burning case and nine other post-Godhra riot cases of 2002, ends on Friday.
"We will be reviewing the status of investigation in all the cases and then ask for an extension from the Supreme Court. Though no formal decision has been taken on the issue, we will be asking for extension within a couple of days," Raghavan said.
The five-member SIT is headed by Raghavan and includes ex-Director General of Uttar Pradesh C D Satpathy, besides three Indian Police Service officers from Gujarat -- Geetha Johri, Shivanad Jha and Ashish Bhatia.
Raghavan had earlier this month written to the Supreme Court requesting for a legal expert who could guide them in some of the cases being investigated by them.
The SC had granted Raghavan's request and suggested the name of K G Menon, a senior advocate from Mumbai, who would provide them expert legal advice.
The court had suggested that the SIT seek assistance from Solicitor General of India G E Vahanvati.