Disagreeing with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Left parties on Wednesday maintained that the nuclear deal is not in the national interest and the government will have to face the 'Left fire'if it goes ahead with the deal.
Communist Party of India national secretary D Raja said the Left parties' position on the deal remained same and the government will have to suffer if it decides to go ahead with it.
"The Prime Minister is convinced about the deal but we are not. We don't think that the deal is in our national
interest," Raja told PTI.
When pointed out that Singh has said that domestic politics has prevented the government from going ahead with the deal, the CPI leader shot back and said, "is he not part of the domestic politics?"
Revolutionary Socialist Party leader Abani Roy said the government will have to face the "Left fire" if it goes ahead with the nuclear deal. "There is nothing new in what Singh said. He has been repeating it for quite some time. But if the government goes ahead, his government will face the Left fire," Roy said.
The Left parties, which extend crucial outside support to the government, have been strongly opposing implementation of the deal with the US arguing that it would compromise country's security interest and independent foreign policy.The two sides are currently engaged in talks to end the deadlock.
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