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Just a short distance from the entrance of the NDA is a board on the road which reads: 'Horses have right of way first.' The road is flanked by grounds for equestrian training and on the day of the passing out parade, horses with liveried riders were preparing to take their position to welcome the chief guest of the day.

Vice-Admiral Raman Puri, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, ADC (all medals for exceptional service), Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff, arrived in a stately horse-drawn carriage and was welcomed by NDA Commandant Lieutenant General Arun Kumar Chopra.

General Chopra, AVSM, dressed in full uniform went through the event with authoritative poise, taking great pride in the ideals of leadership and service that the NDA stood for.

Pointing out that the parade this time did not have any weapons and had been reduced in strength, he said there were some changes like these, but there was no lowering of the Academy's standards.

"The Academy is going to bring some changes in the curriculum so that cadets have more time for service subjects. There is emphasis on physical training, mental and physical robustness but the cadet requires little more time for himself for self introspection and self study.'

The academic training course has to be in keeping with changing times -- new technology training, contemporary trends, international relations that is suited to the defence services, the general told at the historic Sudan Block, flanked by pictures of martyred NDA alumni who had won a grateful nation's highest gallantry awards.

Also read: This soldier died for us

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