Former Delhi chief minister, Madan Lal Khurana, on Thursday released the Bharatiya Janata Party's manifesto for the assembly election in Himachal Pradesh.
Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, Union Rural Development Minister Shanta Kumar and senior party leader Sunil Shastri were present at the release ceremony in Shimla.
The manifesto, among other things, promises a law to ban religious conversions and to make it mandatory for MLAs to declare their assets within three months of their election.
Khurana claimed that the state had seen unprecedented development under Dhumal's leadership and the BJP would continue to strive for improving the living standards of Himachalis. "Like no team can participate in the cricket World Cup without naming its captain, we have named Dhumal as our captain. But the Congress is still looking for excuses...we still don't know who is heading their team," he said.
Shanta Kumar said if Dhumal was returned to power he would create new districts in the state to speed up development. "The panchayats would be given more powers in the days to come. The Government of India would soon make an amendment to this effect in the 73 constitutional amendment which empowered the panchayats to control 26 administrative departments," he said.
Listing the achievements of his government, Chief Minister Dhumal said if returned to power he would fight for the legitimate share of Himachal Pradesh in various power projects, including the Bhakara Power Project.
"By 2008 we would make Himachal an ideal state. The per capita income of the Himachalis has gone up in the last five years and now we are fifth in the country on this count. Our per capita income now is over Rs 18,000. In the last five years, we have laid 3500 km of new roads and relaid over 4000 kilometers of old ones. We have constructed 299 bridges. We have opened four new dental colleges and six B.Ed. colleges so that our students do not have to go to other states for higher education. We will soon open one medical college in Mandi. In addition to this, we are upgrading an engineering college in Hamirpur district," he said.
Dhumal said by 2008 the state would begin producing 10,000 mega watts of power and would earn Rs 2000 crore annually by selling electricity to neighbouring states. "The new industrial package of Rs 20,000 crore in the next five years would generate 300,000 new jobs," the chief minister said and added that an additional 200,000 jobs would be created by encouraging youth to cultivate herbs and take to floriculture in a big way.
He ridiculed the Congress for hoping to ride an anti-incumbency wave back to power. "In their frustration they are making false allegations against me and members of my family. They have hurt the pride of the Himachalis by doing so... they would be defeated by the self-respecting Himachalis," he said.
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