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June 15, 1999
Tidbits from Anandtech![]() I just got back from seeing Austin Powers 2 and man, it was hilarious. If you liked the first one, then this one will crack you up. However if you're one of those people that didn't like the whole Austin Powers then you're probably better off staying away from this one as it's pretty much the same type of humor. The jokes reappearing from the first movie did get kind of excessive and annoying at times, but you get used to it after a while. I do think the critics were a bit harsh on it, but what can I say, reviewers are weird like that ;) Ok, now on to some hardware related stuff (yeah yeah I know, people hate the babble). I'm back to testing Super7 stuff for the night, I have a K6-3 450 test bed and a K6-2 475 test bed that I'm currently running updated benchmarks on. There are a few things that you'll notice in the benchmarks I'm running now that I haven't done in the past, for one thing, per your request (quite a few people emailed me about this, and I'll gladly do it -- thanks for the input) I'll be including overclocked Voodoo3 scores as well as overclocked TNT2 scores. It only makes sense that if you overclock one graphics card, you should at least try to overclock the rest. It's funny how common sense will sometimes evade you after you've been benchmarking non-stop for about a week. That's why I need you all to keep me sane with your emails. Next week is essentially AMD week, not because I'll be publishing a K7 review (unfortunately you won't see one for a while, ask AMD). I have a conference with AMD to talk about the K7, it'll be nice to talk to some AMD engineers about the K7 and performance numbers, etc... I'll see if I can't give you some information on how that goes later in the week. I'll hopefully finish up the last of these Super7 tests before the end of the weekend, and I'll try and get at least the first article to you all towards the first part of the week. I guess all those comparisons where I left out Super7 tests have finally come back to haunt me, ah well, I'm up for the challenge ;) Plus, I owe it to all of you Super7 users out there. That's about it for now, take care and have a good weekend. Out for the night... 06/11 04:32 PM - Anand Lal Shimpi On my way out the door (going to go grab some dinner, and go see Austin Powers with a few friends) I thought I'd let you know that I just finished my Microstar 6163 review. Check it out, as it is a strong competitor to the ABIT BH6/BX6R2. Take care and have a good Friday night, don't get too wild now ;) BBS Status... 06/11 11:24 AM - Anand Lal Shimpi Just to keep you updated, we're working on the BBS server now and I've decided to stick with UBB for the time being. I'll let you all know when it's up and running, all of your old accounts and posts will still be there when the BBS returns. Thanks for your understanding and take care. Just a quick Good Morning... 06/10 12:52 AM - Anand Lal Shimpi I put together a quick review of the Epox S2C Slot-1 to Slot-2 Adapter while watching the Knicks/Pacers game come to an abrupt end. Congrats to the Knicks and all Knicks fans for a win there. I'm going to get to work on finishing up the rest of these motherboards here, then I can hopefully move back to the long overdue Super7 reviewing including the first retail MVP4 boards to hit the market. As usual, I'll keep you posted. Take care and enjoy.
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