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The biggest Hollywood divorces

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

They met at a party, she ignored his married status, they dived straight into matrimony and right out of it two children later. Britney then went a little berserk, running in and out of rehab centres and helping a number of tabloids flourish on the basis of photographs of her alone.

Spears was 24 at the time she married 28-year old Federline in 2004. They had to deal with rumours of a difficult marriage from day one, which couldn't have helped. That the press openly labelled him a gold-digger must have added to the pressure.

The marriage was undoubtedly great for Federline who, despite launching an awful music album, managed to walk away with a fair amount of publicity. He even took home a couple of awards for Best Father! We still don't know why.

Photograph: Vince Bucci/Getty Images

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