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November 30, 2004

Two Dhirubhais better than one
If Anil and Mukesh can rediscover the spark of entrepreneurship separately rather than together, there could be nothing better.

November 27, 2004

India is more a part of the world now
A moment's reflection should tell us that the Indian economy is, more than before, a part of the global system. If growth rates in India are up, so are they in the world as a whole and in other emerging markets, says T N Ninan.

The Reliance quandary
Given that the Reliance businesses are all in a growth phase, the leadership dispute has frightening business implications.

November 26, 2004

Giving an interview? Try cell snooping!
Many corporations as well as law enforcement agencies have started to leverage cell technologies into performing more complex surveillance tasks.

Einstein and business
It is becoming increasingly feasible to create global networks of human brains that can work in tandem and thereby match or exceed the genius of an Einstein!

November 22, 2004

No penalty for Sebi guideline violation
The Securities Appellate Tribunal has said unlike regulations made by the SEBI, 'guidelines' cannot mandate a procedure, violation of which attract penal action.

November 20, 2004

The capital of rampant consumption
As competition warms up in the capital of conspicuous consumption, the customer simply can't have enough.

India Inc and family squabbles
The wisest, of course, are those who work out family issues in an open consultative manner

November 18, 2004

Should trade rule?
Trade policy must listen far more to the people as consumers and small producers, says Nitin Desai

The enigmatic story of Indian savings
The household saver isn't all that interested in maximising returns, says Madan Sabnavis

Chinese 'cantion' for smug India
China's gain may be India's loss simply because the country, aware of its deficiencies has been taking practical steps in terms of incentivising overseas study

November 17, 2004

Good and bad deficits
A somewhat unreal debate is taking place over whether the country's burgeoning foreign exchange reserves should be used to finance infrastructure development

When will the art bubble burst?
Fashionable artists might see their prices dip if they aren't careful.

November 16, 2004

Economists in policy-making
Chidambaram's team has three accomplished economists, but few experienced IAS officers to provide that edge.

Forex and infrastructure
Long-term effects of using foreign exchange reserves for infrastructure are dangerous

Common sense in the pipeline
Common carrier pipelines need transparent regulation

November 14, 2004

India's jobless recovery
The impediments to growth in the labour-intensive sectors have to go

The economics of festival gifts
It feels great to give gifts during festivals. It feels even nicer to receive them.

November 11, 2004

Educating for India's future
Benchmarking for the ranking of such institutions should not be based only on physical infrastructure

Bugged using IE? Try Firefox
Firefox offers an excellent experience with a look and feel similar to Netscape.

The great Indian rate trick
The Reserve Bank of India wants interest rates to rise but does not want to be seen overtly pushing for it.

November 10, 2004

Manmohan's public sector mantra
The prime minister talked about the need for mobilising $150 billion for infrastructure investment in the next 15 years. The public sector can be trusted to meet at least a part of this investment requirement.

BRIC II & big bang growth
China and India will emerge as the world's largest car markets over time. Within 20 years, China most probably will have overtaken the US as the world's largest car market. India will also displace the US about 10-15 years later.

November 09, 2004

Needed: A US-India FTA
For a comprehensive FTA, the institutional changes needed in the Indian economy would be deep.

Is the India-China gap narrowing?
This is because China's storied economic growth is likely to falter under the weight of a massive default of the banking system or from political pressures arising from restructuring of state enterprises.

The enigma of hedge funds
In any case, the advent of hedge funds in the Indian market can be viewed as a sign of the domestic market's realignment with the global market.

November 06, 2004

There's a boom round the corner!
The surest indicator of economic momentum building up is the sharp surge in bank credit to the commercial sector, says T N Ninan.

November 05, 2004

Looking for Shanghai's soul
Will Shanghai ever turn into a city like London, New York, Paris, Tokyo or will it simply become Singapore on steroids, asks Jamal Mecklai

Strategy is execution
Corporates and brands need to look at strategy differently, says Madhukar Sabnavis

Using the past to predict the future
The best solution is to have a mix of both conventional as well as behavioural interviews, says Shyamal Majumdar

November 04, 2004

Reining in Sebi
The regulatory body should improve its quality of investigation

November 01, 2004

The Beijing underbelly
The novelty of China's counter-culture quickly wears off, says Matei Mihalca.

China rate hike good for India
The hike in China's lending rate is likely to be positive for the Indian economy.

Managing expectations no joke
Rising global commodity prices are making it difficult, says A V Rajwade.

Dr Singh is shaky no more
Manmohan Singh now seems to be on top of his job and is no longer the shaky prime minister of three months ago, says T N Ninan.


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