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No jobs, no visas

A crippling economic downturn and increasing job losses forced the United States to cut down on visas for foreign workers to protect American jobs.

The US cut the number of new H1B visas per year from 195,000 to 65,000, starting October 1. The US Congress may further tighten provisions on the visas, giving employers less flexibility to bring in foreign workers on lower wages to replace American workers. For foreign employees, seeking a long-term future in America appears to be a risky bet.

Most Indian IT firms believe there is no need to panic, as the visa cuts will result in more American companies investing in India or outsourcing jobs to India.

US to tighten H1B, L1 visa norms
Forget H1B, protect L1
NASSCOM urges H1B visa cap at 120,000
'India could benefit from visa cut'

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