~ Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent examination with the subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English and obtained 50 per cent marks in aggregate for general candidates and 45 per cent marks for the scheduled caste/ scheduled tribe candidates are eligible to apply.
~ The candidates should attain 17 years of age by December 31, 2008.
~ The candidates who have appeared for Higher Secondary (10+2) candidature will be taken into consideration provided that the result of examination is published before the admission and they have secured the required percentage of marks which has to be substantiated by production of documentary proof. Blind (including colour blind) deaf and/ or dumb candidates are not eligible to apply for the course.
Out of total admission of 60 candidates.
(i) 14* seats are for the candidates nominated from the following States/ Union Territories : Jammu and Kashmir (1), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (2), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (2), Andman and Nicobar Island (1), Dadra and Nagar Haveli (1), Daman and Diu (1), Lakshwadeep (1) and Pondicherry (1)
* This stands corrected in the advertisement released in the Employment News dated July 26 - August 1, 2008
(ii) Six seats are reserved for Foreign Nationals of which five seats are for candidates from BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lank and Thailand) nominated by Indian Council of Cultural Relations, New Delhi and one seat for candidates under self financing scheme nominated by the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.
(iii) 10** seats to be filled by candidate sponsored by Govt of Sri Lanka through Ministry of external affairs Govt of India through the Dept of AYUSH, Government of India.
** Out of these 10 seats, if adequate candidates are not sponsored by Govt of Sri Lanka the remaining seats will be kept vacant and no other candidate will be admitted.
~ The admission test will be of three hours duration and carrying an aggregate of 200 marks. The pattern of questions will be of multiple choice (single correct answer) type 200 questions -- Physics (60 questions), Chemistry (60 questions), Biology (60 questions) and General Knowledge (20 questions).
How to apply
~ Filled in application (in candidate's own handwriting- PROFORMA of application available at https://www.nih.nic.in/BHMS_Admission%20Notice08-09.html) is to be sent along with a self addressed with Pincode, stamped (Rs 15/-) envelope (size: 31x12 cm) and a bank draft for Rs 400/- payable at Kolkata, in favour of Director, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata (IPO/ cheque/ cash/ money order will not be accepted).
~ No bank draft is required in case of SC/ST candidates but a copy of caste certificate attested by a Gazetted Officer should accompany the application.
~ Also enclose four identical copies of recent (taken after June 30, 2008 with a placard showing candidate's name and date of photo / the photographs should be taken without spectacles and cap/hat) passport size (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) colour photographs. [two copies are to be pasted on the specified area on the application, which should be attested by a Gazetted Officer after pasting with part of signature on the photograph and part of signature on the application form, other two unpasted should be signed on the reverse by candidate].
~ Applications accompanied by hazy, old or unidentifiable photographs are liable to be rejected without assigning any reason. Candidates must put their full signature in all the places asked for at all the stages of admission process.
Important dates
- The duly filled in application should reach to the office of the Directorat the address below (by Speed Post) on or before the last date of submission of application ie 21 days from the date of publication of Advertisement ie July 26, 2008.
- Admit Card and Prospectus will be sent by post and list of candidates with their Roll numbers and Centres will also be available in the NIH website: https://www.nih.nic.in/
- Date of All India Admission Test: September 7, 2008 (Sunday).
- Date of publication of the result of Admission Test: September 21, 2008.
- Counseling and date of admission: September 29, 2008.
National Institute Of Homoeopathy
Block-GE, Sector-III,
Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700 106.
Website: https://www.nih.nic.in/
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