What: The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, invites applications for admission to its M Tech and PhD programmes in the following areas:
- Information Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Telecommunications Engineering
Are you eligible?
For M Tech programmes
~ You must hold a BE/ B Tech degree or its equivalent in the appropriate branch with a valid GATE score.
For PhD programmes
~ You must hold an ME/ M Tech degree or its equivalent in the appropriate branch of engineering from a recognised institution/ university.
Selection method
For PG programmes
~ You will be shortlisted on the basis of your GATE score.
~ Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a personal interview.
For PhD programmes
~ You will be selected on the basis of your educational qualification, work/ teaching experience, statement of purpose, presentation and interview.
Important date
~ Please send in your completed application forms before June 5.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form and prospectus from NMIMS, Mumbai, on payment of Rs 1,200 by cash.
~ Or, obtain the application form by sending a request along with a cloth-lined self-addressed envelope of size 10" x 13" and a demand draft of Rs 1,300 drawn in favour of SVKM's NMIMS payable at Mumbai.
~ Or, download the application form by visiting https://www.nmims.edu/.
V L Mehta Road
Vile Parle West
Mumbai -- 400 056
Phones: (022) 26134577, 26143177
e-mail: enquiry@nmims.edu
Web site: https://www.nmims.edu/