What: Zubaan, an independent publisher based in New Delhi, invites entries from young women writers for an anthology of short fiction.
~ Zubaan is planning to produce an anthology of short fiction -- Zubaan Book of New Writing (working title only).
~ The focus of the book will be on young women writers between 20 and 30 years old.
~ You should be of South Asian extraction, but may be based anywhere in the world.
~ Stories can be between 2,000 and 5,000 words and should be complete stand-alone narratives.
~ All submissions must be in English.
~ The anthology will be of fictional writing, and include a variety of genres from humorous pieces to science fiction, fantasy, detective stories, and other forms which may fall under the general rubric of speculative fiction.
~ Preference will be given to unpublished stories.
Selection method
~ Selection will be on merit, and the stories would be read by Zubaan's in-house editorial team.
~ The final selection for inclusion would rest with the editor.
~ Responsibility for the editing, design, production and sales of the book rests with the publishers.
~ Copyright for individual pieces would rest with the respective authors, but rights in the anthology as a whole would rest with the publishers, who will actively pursue the sale of translation and co-publication rights for the book.
~ All writers selected will receive a modest fee for their work.
Important date
~ You must submit your story before July 31.
How to apply
~ Send your complete story as a word attachment to:
e-mail: contact@zubaanbooks.com or zubaanwbooks@vsnl.net or anitaroy1000@yahoo.co.uk
~ Please mention Submission for Young Writers Anthology in the subject line.
~ Please mail a short biography about yourself, including details of your published writings (if any), along with your story.