What: The Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, invites applications for admission to the different degree programmes offered by the institute at its Pilani campus.
Higher degree Programmes (Code: HD)
~ ME in Chemical/ Civil/ Communication Engineering/ Computer Science/ Mechanical/ Software Systems
~ M Pharm
Are you eligible?
~ For Chemical/ Civil/ Computer science/ Mechanical engineering: Integrated BITS first degree in the same discipline or its equivalent.
~ For Communication engineering: Integrated BITS first degree in Electrical and Electronics/ Electronics and Instrumentation or its equivalent.
~ For Software systems: Integrated BITS first degree or its equivalent with specific prior preparation.
~ For M Pharm: Integrated BITS first degree in Pharmacy or its equivalent.
Doctoral Programmes leading to PhD (Code: PH)
~ Applications are invited for the Institute's PhD programme in all areas of engineering and science disciplines.
Are you eligible?
~ Any higher BITS degree or its equivalent.
~ Applicants with qualification equivalent to the Integrated BITS first degree will be first examined for suitability to one of the higher degree programmes of the Institute.
~ Shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test/ interview for selections.
~ Selected candidates will be given financial assistance in the form of either a fellowship of any government agency or of the institute, project or teaching assistantship, full/ partial tuition waiver or a combination.
~ Employed professionals having long experience and proven competence aspiring for a PhD programme will be considered under the 'PhD Aspirants' scheme and will be allowed to pursue their research at their own locations of work.
~ For further details, visit https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form and bulletin by sending a request on plain paper, giving the name and code of the programme for which the application is requested, the candidate's full name and complete postal address with pin code.
~ The request must be accompanied by a crossed demand draft of Rs 700 drawn in favour of Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani payable at State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, Pilani (Code: 10398) or UCO Bank, Vidya Vihar, Pilani (Code: 0150).
~ You may also download the application form by visiting https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/hdadmn/.
Important dates
~ Requests by post will be accepted up to June 19.
~ Please send in your completed application forms before June 30.
Admissions Officer
Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Vidhya Vihar Campus
Pilani 333 031
Phones: (01596) 245073, 245074
Fax: (01596) 244183
Web site: https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/