Scholarships for science students


May 24, 2006 15:22 IST

What: The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Fellowships for school and college students interested in a career in research.

Scholarship details

~ The department of science and technology, Government of India, offers fellowships of Rs 2,000 to Rs 5,000 per month and contingency grants for students studying basic science, engineering and medicine.

~ The selection to the programme takes into account academic excellence and demonstrated interest in pursuing research.

~ The fellowships are open to Indian nationals studying in India.

~ The selection procedures are different for basic sciences, engineering and medicine. In all categories, though, an interview will precede the final selection.

Are you eligible?

Basic Science

Stream SA

~ You must have enrolled in Class XI with science subjects in 2006.

~ You must have secured at least 75 percent marks in mathematics and science in Class X.

Stream SB

~ You must have enrolled in your first year B Sc/ integrated M Sc in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics/ Statistics or Biological Science/ B Math in 2006.

~ You must have secured at least 60 percent marks in mathematics and science in Class XII.

Stream SP

~ You must either be in Class XI/ XII or any undergraduate programme with science.

~ A research project is required.


Stream EA

~ You must have enrolled in the first year of BE/ B Tech/ B Arch in 2006.

~ You must have secured a minimum of 60 percent marks in mathematics and science in Class XII.

~ A research project is required.

Stream EB

~ You must have enrolled in your second year BE/ B Tech/ B Arch in 2006.

~ You must have secured a minimum of 60 percent marks in the first year BE/ B Tech/ B Arch examination.

~ A research project is required.


Stream MA

~ You must have enrolled in the MBBS programme.

~ You must have passed Class XII with 75 percent marks in your science subjects in or after the year 2004.

~ A research project is required.

Important date

~ Last date for receipt of postal requests for application forms by post: September 1

~ Please send in your completed application forms before September 15.

How to apply

~ Download the application form by visiting the KVPY Web site.

~ Or, obtain the application forms from KVPY by sending a request along with a demand draft or a postal order of Rs 100, drawn in favour of SID A/c KVPY, payable at Bangalore.

~ The stream (SA, SB, SP, EA/ EB, MA) must be clearly indicated on the envelope.

~ All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Convener
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore -- 560 012

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
Lecture Hall Complex
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore -- 560 012

Phones: (080) 23601008, 22932975, 22932976

Fax: (080) 23601215

Web site:
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