What: The Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, invites applications for admission to its M Tech and PhD programmes.
~ The M Tech programmes are available in the following areas:
Applied Mechanics
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
GIS Cell
~ The PhD programmes are available in the following areas:
Applied Mechanics
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Humanities & Social Sciences
GIS Cell
Are you eligible?
For M Tech programmes
~ You must have a BE/ Masters degree in the relevant discipline.
For PhD programmes
~ You must have a Master's degree in Engineering/ Technology with a minimum overall aggregate of 60 percent.
~ You could have a BE/ Masters degree in Applied Science or any relevant discipline with a minimum overall aggregate of 75 percent.
~ For further information regarding available specialisations and eligibility, visit https://triveni.mnnit.ac.in/admin/extras/mtech_phd_2006.doc
Important date
~ Please send in your completed application forms before May 31.
How to apply
~ Download the application form by visiting https://www.mnnit.ac.in/.
~ Application forms may also be obtained via post, by sending a request to the office of the Dean (Academic Affairs) along with a self addressed stamped envelope 9"x 11.5" in size.
Dean (Academic Affairs)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Allahabad -- 211 004
Phones: (0532) 2271110, 2271109
Web site: https://www.mnnit.ac.in/