What: The Vellore Institute of Technology invites applications for admission to its M S Software Engineering Programme.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, with a minimum overall aggregate of 70 percent.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form from VIT or from the Chennai Administrative Office on payment of Rs 650 by demand draft drawn in favour of the Vellore Institute of Technology, payable at Vellore.
~ Or, send a request to the Admissions Officer, VIT, along with a demand draft of Rs 650, drawn in favour of the Vellore Institute of Technology, payable at Vellore.
Important date
~ Please send in your completed application form before June 10.
Admissions Officer
Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore -- 632 014
Phones: (0416) 4207070, 2202168, 2202157
e-mail: admission@vit.ac.in, vitadmission@yahoo.com
Web site: https://www.vit.ac.in/
Chennai Administrative Office
New No 6 (Old No: W-73)
Second Street
Opposite Tower's Club
Anna Nagar
Chennai -- 600 040