What: The Institute of Advanced Management invites applications for admission to its three-year integrated degree course in Hotel Management at its Goa and Kolkata campus.
~ The programme is in collaboration with the Queen Margaret University College, UK.
~ You have an option of doing your final year at Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, or at Napier University, Edinburgh, or at Thames Valley University, London.
~ Or, you could complete the programme at the IAM campus at Goa or Kolkata.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed Class XII.
~ You could be a final year student awaiting your result.
Selection method
~ Selection will be based on your performance in the written test, group discussion and personal interview.
How to apply
~ Obtain the prospectus and application form by sending a demand of Rs 250.
~ Or, from select branches of UTI Bank and Reliance WebWorld.
Institute of Advanced Management
Holiday Street
Calangute Bardez
Goa -- 403 516
Phones: (0832) 2282774, 2281880
Administration Office
AE 486, Salt Lake
Kolkata -- 700 064
Phones: (033) 23377726, 23588232, 23596065
AN Block, Salt Lake, Nayapatti
Kolkata - 700 102
Phones: (033) 23679347, 23679205
e-mail: iamcal@vsnl.net
Web site: https://www.iam-cal.net/