What: The Management Aptitude Test conducted by the All India Management Association will be held on May 7.
For details of participating management institutes/ universities accepting the MAT score for admission to its post-graduate programmes, please visit https://www.aima-ind.org/aima/cms/Mat/MI.htm.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate in any discipline.
~ You could be a final year student awaiting your result.
Important dates
~ The MAT bulletin and application form will be available until April 15.
~ Please send in your completed application form before April 17.
How to apply
~ Obtain the MAT bulletin and application form by sending a demand draft of Rs 690 in favour of AIMA-CMS, payable at New Delhi.
~ You must also send two self-addressed slips/ adhesive stickers.
~ Or, obtain the bulletin and application form against a cash payment of Rs 650 at AIMA nodal centres and select UTI Bank branches all over the country.
Senior Deputy Director-CMS
All India Management Association
Management House
14 Institutional Area
Lodhi Road
New Delhi -- 110 003
Phone: (011) 24653382
e-mail: adcms@aima-ind.org
Web site: https://www.aima-ind.org/