What: The Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies invites applications for its three-year, full time Bachelor of Business Administration degree programme.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed class XII with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 per cent.
~ Candidates who have appeared for the qualifying examination may also apply.
~ You must appear for the Symbiosis Entrance Test.
How to apply
~ Visit https://www.set.test.org/ and register online for SET.
~ Obtain the SCMS prospectus and application form on payment of Rs 1,250 from select branches of UTI Bank.
~ Or, obtain the prospectus and application form by sending a demand draft of Rs 1,250 drawn in favour of the Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies -- Undergraduate, payable at Pune.
Important dates
~ You must register online for the test before April 18.
~ Date of examination: May 6.
~ Please send in your completed SCMS application form before May 19.
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies
Survey No 231
Viman Nagar
Pune -- 411 014
Phones: (020) 26634531, 26634533
e-mail: symbibba@vsnl.net
Web site: https://www.scmsug.ac.in/