What: The National Law Institute University, Bhopal, invites you to take the common entrance examination organised by the Professional Examination Board, Bhopal and apply for its BA LLB (Honours) programme.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed Class XII, or its equivalent, in Science, Arts, Commerce or any other discipline, with a 55 per cent aggregate.
~ You must be less than 21 years old as on July 1, 2006.
Exam centres
- Bhopal
- New Delhi
- Kolkata
- Mumbai
- Allahabad
- Bangalore
How to apply
~ Please obtain the application form and rule book with test fee, on cash payment of Rs 1,050, from the Professional Examination Board, Bhopal.
~ Or, you can obtain it from select branches of Canara Bank, State Bank of Indore and OBC Bank.
~ Or, you can obtain it by post from the PEB office, by submitting a request letter accompanied by an A/C payee Bank Draft/ Banker's Cheque for Rs 1,000 drawn in favour of the Professional Examination Board, Bhopal, on any nationalised bank, payable at Bhopal.
Important dates
~ The examination will be held on May 20.
~ Please send in your requests for the application form by post, before April 10.
~ Please send in your completed application form before April 29.
Chayan Bhawan
Main Road No 1
Chinar Park East
Bhopal -- 462 011
Phones: (0755) 2578801 to 2578804
e-mail: vyapam@mp.nic.in