What: The International Women's Media Foundation invites applications from women journalists for the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship.
~ The Elizabeth Neuffer IWMF Fund is named for 1998 IWMF Courage in Journalism Award winner and Boston Globe correspondent who was killed in Iraq in May 2003.
~ This programme, created with Neuffer's family and friends, aims to perpetuate her memory and advance her life's mission of promoting international understanding of human rights and social justice.
~ One woman journalist will be selected to spend an academic year in a tailored programme, with access to Boston-area universities as well as The Boston Globe and The New York Times.
~ The flexible structure of the programme will provide the fellow with opportunities to pursue academic research and hone her reporting skills covering topics related to human rights.
~ The fellow will also have a key role in the Elizabeth Neuffer Forum, an annual programme to be scheduled each May.
~ Expenses, including airfare and housing, will be covered under the fellowship.
~ The fellowship winner will be announced in May, and the fellowship will run from September 2006 to May 2007.
Are you eligible?
~ The fellowship is open to women journalists whose focus is human rights and social justice.
~ You must have excellent written and spoken English skills.
~ For more information, contact Lindsey Wray.
e-mail: neuffer@iwmf.org
How to apply
~ Download the application form by visiting https://www.iwmf.org/programs/8605
Important date
~ Please send in your applications before March 31.
Website: https://www.iwmf.org/programs/neuffer/fellowship.php