What: The National Law Institute University, Bangalore, will conduct the entrance test for admission to its five year integrated BA, LL B (Hons) degree programme preparing students for the Bar and other careers in Law.
When: May 7
Exam centres
- Bhopal
- New Delhi
- Kolkata
- Mumbai
- Chennai
- Allahabad
- Bangalore
- Chandigarh
- Guwahati
- Hyderabad
- Jodhpur
- Kochi
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed Class XII or its equivalent in Science, Arts, Commerce or any other discipline, with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 per cent.
~ You must beĀ under 20 years old as on July 1, 2006.
How to apply
~ Please obtain the application forms and prospectus by sending a request to the Registrar, along with a demand draft of Rs 1,000 drawn in favour of the Registrar, NLSIU, payable at Bangalore.
~ Or, forms are available at select branches of the Corporation Bank.
~ Or, download the application form by visiting https://www.nls.ac.in/index.html.
Important date
~ Please send in your completed application form before March 31.
National Law School of India
Bangalore -- 560 072
Phones: (080) 23213160, 23160532
e-mail: registrar@nls.ac.in
Web site: https://www.nls.ac.in/index.html