What: Applications are invited for the Change Looms Awards.
~ The Change Looms Awards are supported by The Youth and Civil Society Initiative of the Sir Ratan Tata Trust.
~ Change Looms recognises the exceptional achievements of young people who are actively promoting social change in the society.
~ It provides
- A cash award of Rs 20,000
- Acknowledgement at a public event
- In-depth capacity building and mentoring from leading social entrepreneurs across the country
- Outstanding projects are also eligible for a further grant of Rs 40,000
Are you eligible?
~ You must be between 17 and 27 years old.
~ You must have launched on-going social ventures in operation for at least six months.
~ These youth projects must be independent from existing organisations.
~ Both individuals and teams may apply.
How to apply
~ Download the application form by visiting https://www.younginfluencers.com/.
Important date
~ Please send in your completed applications before March 31.
For further details, call or write to
e-mail: mail@pravah.org
Phone: (011) 26440619
e-mail: dolon@dishnetdsl.net
Phone: (011) 26190969
Web site: https://www.younginfluencers.com/