What: The Jawaharlal Nehru University invites applications for admission to its PhD programmes.
The university admits a limited number of candidates directly to PhD programmes both in the monsoon and winter semesters in various areas of research in the following schools / institutes:
- School of International Studies
- School of Social Sciences
- School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
- School of Computer & Systems Sciences
- School of Physical Sciences
- School of Environmental Sciences
- School of Arts and Aesthetics
- School of Information Technology
- Centre for Biotechnology
- Centre for the Study of Law & Governance
- Centre for Molecular Medicine
- Centre for Sanskrit Studies
Are you eligible?
~ You must hold an M Tech/ M Phil degree from a recognised university/ research institution with a minimum Final Grade Point Average of 6.00 in a 10-point scale/ comparable standard where the grading is based on a system other than 10-point scale.
~ Candidates whose M Phil dissertation is not graded, or grading is not based on a 10-point scale, are required to forward a copy of their M Phil dissertation along with the application form for the purpose of assessment of their credentials.
~ You must have research experience in a recognised university/ research institution and/ or research publication(s) comparable to M Phil standard.
~ For admission to the Centre for Molecular Medicine, in addition to the above, you could also hold an MBBS/ BV Sc degree with one-year experience after internship or MD/ MV Sc degree or M Tech degree in Biotechnology after completing M Sc.
~ For admission to the School of Information Technology, you could also hold an Advanced Post-graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics.
~ For admission to the Centre for the Study of Law & Governance, in addition to M Tech/ M Phil, candidates with relevant administrative/ legal experience are also eligible.
~ For admission to the Centre for Sanskrit Studies, in addition to M Tech/ M Phil, graduates in any discipline with a Sanskrit background are also eligible.
~ Candidates enjoying employed status and selected for admission shall be required to produce Leave Sanction Order for a period of two years at the time of registration.
~ However, there is a limited provision for candidates employed in research and teaching institution located in the NCR region for admission without leave.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form and prospectus from the office of Assistant Registrar (Admissions), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 on cash payment of Rs 120 between 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm on working days (Monday to Friday).
~ You may also obtain the form via post, by sending a request along with a demand draft/ pay order of Rs 200 payable to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
~ Your request must be accompanied by a self-addressed, unstamped envelope (28" x 20" in size) with Direct Admission to Ph D Programme inscribed on the top of it.
~ Application forms for direct admission to Ph D programme will be accepted throughout the year.
~ For further details, write to director_admissions@mail.jnu.ac.in
Important dates
~ The last date for the receipt of the complete application forms for the monsoon semester is March 17.
~ The last date for receipt of the complete application form for the winter semester is October 31.
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Mehrauli rRoad
New Delhi -- 110 067
Web site: https://www.jnu.ac.in/