What: Aneela Dias and Rekha Goyal, ceramic artists from the Sir JJ School of Art, Mumbai, are organising an introductory workshop to the art of clay modelling.
When: March 4
Time: 11 am to 5 pm (inclusive of a one hour lunch break)
Where: Vashi, New Mumbai
Workshop details
~ You will be introduced to all the basic methods of working with clay ie coil, slab, pinching and throwing (working on the potter's wheel).
~ The fee: Rs 950 (full amount payable when you arrive for the workshop)
The fee includes clay and tools needed for the workshop (please bring along your own apron) and the firing of the pieces you make during the workshop.
~ The firing would be done a few days later, after the pieces are completely dry. You will have to arrange to have your piece collected from the studio.
How to apply
~ To register you could e-mail mail.ira@gmail.com.
~ You could also call Rekha Goyal and Aneela Dias to register:
- Rekha: 9833058151
- Aneela: 9819473851