What: The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, invites applications from Indian nationals for the award of the DBT-Postdoctoral Fellowship for pursuing research in the frontier areas of biotechnology and applied biology.
Fellowship details
~ The fellowships are tenable in research institutions/ universities, including non-profit R&D institutions within India.
~ The fellowships are awarded under a programme sponsored by the department of biotechnology, ministry of science and technology, government of India.
Are you eligible?
~ You must hold a Ph D degree in Science/ Engineering or an MD/ MS degree in any area of medicine with research interests in Biotechnology and Life Sciences. You must have a good academic record.
~ You could have submitted your PhD/ MD thesis.
~ You should preferably be less than 40 years old; the limit is relaxed to 45 years in the case of women candidates.
~ If you are employed, your application should be routed through your employer.
Details of the award
~ The fellowship is for a period of two years.
~ In exceptional cases, depending upon the progress of the research, the fellowship may be extended up to five years.
~ You will be entitled to a stipend in the range of Rs 11,000-Rs 12,000 per month and a research contingency grant of Rs 50,000 per year, payable to the host institution.
~ If you are selected but have yet to be awarded your PhD/ MD/ MS degree, you will be paid Rs 10,000 per month till you get your degree.
~ You will be entitled to HRA and other benefits as per the DST guidelines applicable to research fellowship/ associateships.
~ You cannot avail of the fellowship at the institution where you earned your PhD/ MD/ MS degree.
~ If you are employed, you cannot avail of the fellowship at your parent institution.
~ There is no restriction on receiving your salary and other benefits during the course of the fellowship.
Selection method
~ Selections will be based on your CV and your performance in the interview.
~ The interview will be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in May 2006.
~ If you are called for interview, you will be paid second-class railway (non air-conditioned)/ bus fare by the shortest route from your hometown.
~ If you accept the fellowship, you must join the host institution/ university within a month's time.
Important date
~ Please send in your completed application form before March 31.
How to apply
~ Submit your application along with your resume, list of publications (attach reprints of two important papers), copies of certificates (BSc, MSc, PhD/ MD/ MS), one page synopsis of PhD/ MD/ MS thesis, two letters of recommendation (academic).
~ Your application must contain the proposed place of work, name of the supervisor, along with a one page synopsis of proposed research which must be compatible with the on-going research of the proposed supervisor, and his/ her consent for availing the fellowship.
~ The application must also include a declaration stating that, if selected, you will complete the tenure of the fellowship.
~ You will be allowed to relinquish the fellowship only if you are accepting permanent employment in India.
~ The envelope should be clearly marked as DBT-Postdoctoral Research Fellowship.
~ Those who have applied previously need not apply.
Prof K Muniyappa
Coordinator DBT-PDF Programme
Department of Biochemistry
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore -- 560 012
Web site: www.sid.iisc.ernet.in