What: The Ministry of Science and Technology invites applications from entrepreneurs for its Technopreneur Promotion Programme.
Jointly operated by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council of the Department of Science and Technology, TePP endeavours to tap the vast innovative potential of the citizens of India.
Programme details
~ It aims to extend financial support to individual innovators for converting their innovative ideas into working prototypes/ models.
~ TePP is a mechanism to promote individual innovators to become technology-based entrepreneurs or Technopreneurs.
~ TePP has supported over 100 projects. To view list of sponsored projects, visit www.dsir.gov.in.
~ The maximum support under this scheme is Rs 10 lakh per project.
Are you eligible?
~ You could be an engineer, scientist, farmer, artisan, housewife or student.
~ You must have an original idea/ invention/ know-how.
~ Selected projects will be provided financial support to undertake developmental activities such as:
- R&D
- Design engineering
- Fabrication
- Testing and trials
- Subsequent patenting
Project proposal
~ Generic proposals on software development or only for patenting or for basic scientific research projects with no immediate commercial implications will not be accepted for consideration under TePP.
~ Proposals can be submitted throughout the year.
How to apply
~ Your proposal must have brief details of your original idea/ invention:
- Intellectual Property Rights status
- Know-how available
- Originality/ novelty of the innovation
- Scientific principle involved
- Estimated total project cost
~ Obtain the application blank by writing to:
The Head
Technopreneur Promotion Programme
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi -- 110 016
~ You may also obtain the application blank, by downloading it from www.dsir.gov.in.
~ You are encouraged to submit an advance copy of your application by e-mail in order to facilitate speedier processing.
e-mail: pkdutta@nic.in
Web site: www.dsir.gov.in/
Important information
~ The decision of the ministry will be final. No further correspondence shall be entertained on the rejected proposals.
~ Canvassing in any from will result in disqualification/ rejection of the application.