Passionate about filmmaking?


October 07, 2005 13:09 IST

What: Vatavaran 2005, India's premier environment and wildlife film festival, invites applications from Indian environment filmmakers for the UK-CMS Environmental Film Fellowships.


~ The British High Commission and British Council India in collaboration with the Centre for Media Studies is awarding the UK-CMS Environmental Film Fellowships on 'Climate Change'.

~ Four such film fellowships will be awarded to filmmakers who display a commitment to environmental issues through their films.

~ Each fellowship is worth Rs 6,00,000.

Important date

~ Please send in your completed application form before October 25.

~ The fellowships will be announced at the Award presentation ceremony of Vatavaran on November 24 in New Delhi.

Are you eligible?

~ You must be a documentary filmmaker creating films that contribute to a greater understanding of Climate Change issues.

~ You must be an Indian citizen between 21 and 40 years old.

~ You could be an upcoming independent filmmaker.

~ You could also apply as a team of filmmaker/s and environmental scientists.

How to apply

~ Download the submission guidelines and application form by visiting

~ You must submit a detailed synopsis of not more than three pages along with your application form.

~ The topicality of your proposal and the treatment will be evaluated equally along with your experience/ skills.

~ You must have original, topical and socially relevant ideas related to the Impact of Climate Change on Health, Agriculture, Bio-diversity, Forests, and Coastal Zone.

Alka Tomar
Festival Director
Vatavaran Film Festival Directorate
Centre for Media Studies, Research House
Saket Community Centre
New Delhi -- 110 017

~ You may e-mail your application to:

Phones: (011) 24992597, 26522244, 26864020


Web site:


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