What: Sadhana Centre For Management and Leadership Development, Pune, invites applications for its two-year, full-time, Post-graduate Diploma in Management.
Areas of specialisation
- Marketing
- Finance
- Systems
- Human Resource Management
- Manufacturing and Operations Management
Are you eligible?
~ You must hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in any discipline from a recognised university.
~ You could be a final year student, awaiting your result.
~ For Systems/ Manufacturing and Operations Management, you must hold a bachelor's degree in Engineering from a recognised university.
Selection method
~ You will be invited to participate in a group discussion.
~ Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for a written test followed by a personal interview.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form and information brochure by sending a request along with a demand draft of Rs 1,050 in favour of Director, SCMLD, payable at Pune.
~ You request must be accompanied by four self-addressed envelopes 10" x 5" in size and four passport size coloured photographs.
~ Please write your name on the reverse of the photographs.
~ Please write the following on the reverse of the demand draft:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your phone numbers
- e-mail id
- Test centre
Important dates
~ The last date for issue of application form and prospectus is December 10.
~ Please send in your completed application form before December 20.
Test centres
- Ahmedabad
- Bangalore
- Bhopal
- Bhubaneshwar
- Chandigarh
- Chennai
- Delhi
- Hyderabad
- Jaipur
- Kochi
- Kolkata
- Lucknow
- Mumbai
- Nagpur
- Patna
- Pune
392 A, Mahale Plot
Deep Bungalow - Vetal Chowk Road
Model Colony PO
Pune -- 411 016
Phones: (020) 25672026, 25672027, 25672028
e-mail: admissions@scmld.org
Web site: https://www.scmld.org/