Test your business English skills


October 03, 2005 16:22 IST

What: The British Council, in co-operation with the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate, invites applications for its Business English Certificate examinations.


~ The BEC is an international examination to assess business English proficiency.

~ The BEC examinations are linked to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and to the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's National Standards for Literacy, within the National Qualifications Framework.

~ The Business English Certificate is available at three levels of English proficiency:

  • The BEC Preliminary
  • The BEC Vantage
  • BEC Higher

Are you eligible?

~ You must have basic English language skills.

~ You must be either preparing for a career in business or must already have a job.

Who is BEC useful for?

~ BEC is useful for individuals who wish to assess their business English skills and acquire an internationally recognised certification.

What does the qualification comprise of?

~ The qualification covers all the four language skills -- listening, reading, writing and speaking -- andĀ gives a comprehensive picture of the candidate's language ability.

Important dates

~ Please register before October 7.

~ The BEC Preliminary examination will be conducted on November 19.

~ The BEC Vantage examination will be conducted on December 3.

~ The BEC Higher examination will be conducted on November 26.

How to apply

~ For registration and further details, please visit www.britishcouncil.org.in/exams.

~ Please call the following offices to register.


British Council Division
British Deputy High Commission
Mittal Tower C Wing
Second Floor
Nariman Point
Mumbai -- 400 021

Phones: (022) 22790157, 22790158

e-mail: mumbai.exams@in.britishcouncil.org

British Library
Bhaikaka Bhavan
Law Garden Road
Ahmedabad -- 380 006

Phones: (079) 26464693, 26469493

e-mail: Ahmedabad.exams@in.britishcouncil.org

British Library
917/1 Fergusson College Road
Shivaji Nagar
Pune -- 411 004

Phone: (020) 25654352

e-mail: deepti.parkhi@in.britishcouncil.org

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