What: The Welingkar Institute of Management invites applications for its various management programmes.
Programme list
- Two-year full time Post-graduate Diploma in Business Management (Mumbai)
- Two-year full time Post-graduate Diploma in Business Management Retail (Mumbai)
- Two-year full-time Post-graduate programme in e-Business (Mumbai and Bangalore)
- Two-year full-time Post-graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Bangalore)
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university.
~ You could be a final year student awaiting your result.
Selection method
~ You will be shortlisted on the basis of your CAT 2005/ MH-CET 2006 scores.
~ Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application kit on payment of Rs 1,000 from the office counter.
~ You may also obtain the application form via post, by sending a demand draft of Rs 1,100 in favour of Wellingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, payable at Mumbai.
~ The application kit may also be obtained from the following places:
- IMS study centres
- TIME offices
- Professional Tutorial centres
- Career Forum offices
- Career Launcher centres
- Career Plan centres
~ You may also apply online by visiting https://www.welingkar.org/.
Important dates
~ Issue of application forms ends: January 31, 2006.
~ Please send in your completed application forms before February 7, 2006.
Welingkar Institute of Management
L Napoo Road
Matunga (Central)
Mumbai -- 400 019
11, Emen Arcade
Hosur Main Road
Bangalore -- 560 029
You may also call the following helpdesk numbers between 10 am and 6 pm:
Phone: (022) 24178300 Extension 739, 740
Phones: (080) 51303781, 51303782
Aviraj Singh
Phone: 09810775668
Debnarayan Bagchi
Phone: 09830277120
e-mail: admissions@welingkar.org
Web site: https://www.welingkar.org/