What: The XLRI School of Management, Jamshedpur, invites corporates, entrepreneurs, professionals, MBA students and undergraduate students to attend its annual festival, Ensemble 2005.
When: November 12, 13
Venue: XLRI Jamshedpur campus
Key speakers
~ Dalip Sehgal, executive director, new ventures and marketing services, HLL
~ S Sivakumar, chief executive, ITC Agri-business
~ Sarup Chowdhary, CEO, Reliance Webworld
~ Jayashree Mohanka, general manager, S&M, Eveready Industries
Event list
- Theme for the festival: Inverting the pyramid -- building sustainable profitable business models for mass markets.
- IdeaSUMMIT: Keynote address and panel discussion
- Quizzotic: The business quiz
- Lekh: Paper writing contest
- Trail Blazers: Treasure hunt
- Informals: Debate, Dumb Charades, Photography, Face Painting, The Cauldron
- Amperage: Rock show featuring Parikrama
How to register
~ For further details, visit https://xlri.ac.in/ensemble2005/index.htm.
XLRI School of Management
C H Area East
Jamshedpur -- 831 001
Phone: (0657) 2225506
e-mail: Jishnud.06@astrJishnud.06@astra.xlri.ac.ina.xlri.ac.in
Web site: https://www.xlri.ac.in/ensemble