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Recognise the signs

i. You get irritated with each other over small issues like what you wear, who you meet. You feel you are being constantly nagged, and being called up too many times unnecessarily.

ii. There is discomfort between you and your partner that seems unnatural. For instance, you go out of your way to avoid each other, or there is a persistent undercurrent of hostility.

iii. One of you becomes too possessive of the other.

iv. One of you gets suspicious and tries to invade the other's privacy (by looking through personal messages, mail etc).

v. You don't look forward to and spend less than the usual time with your partner.

vi. One of you remains preoccupied with work and the need for companionship and support steadily decreases.

vii. There is very little real communication -- talking as well as listening, between the two of you.

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