What: The Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research will conduct six-week summer training programmes in Physics and Chemistry for students entering the final year of their Master's degree.
This is to orient and motivate students towards pursuing a career in research.
Programme details
~ There are separate training programmes for students of Physics and Chemistry.
~ Twenty students will be selected in each discipline.
~ You will be paid a stipend of Rs 3,000 a month.
~ Your travel expenses (train, second class fare) will be reimbursed.
Programme syllabus
~ The programme is a combination of the following.
- Theoretical lecture courses
- Hands-on laboratory experience
~ You will work with leading IGCAR scientists.
~ The chemistry course will emphasise on spectroscopy and thermochemistry.
~ The physics programme will emphasise on condensed matter phenomena-theory experiments.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have a consistent first class academic track record in the following:
- Class X and XII
- B Sc
- First year of M Sc
~ You must have a strong desire to take up a career in research.
How to apply
~ You must list the following details on plain paper:
- Name
- Sex
- Date of Birth
- College name
- Contact address at college
- College e-mail id and phone number if available
- Contact address at home
- Personal e-mail id and residence phone number
- Marks obtained in Class X and XII, B Sc and the first year of M Sc
~ Please add a one page write-up on your research interest.
~ Please send your application package by e-mail or post to the following addresses.
The Course Director
STIP-05, Materials Science Division
Kalpakkam -- 603 102
e-mail: physics@igcar.ernet.in
The Course Director
STIC-05, Materials Chemistry Division
Kalpakkam -- 603 102
e-mail: chemistry@igcar.ernet.in
~ For more details visit https://www.igcar.ernet.in/msd/conference_seminars.htm
Phones: (04114) 280081, 280069
Web site: www.igcar.ernet.in
The completeted application forms must reach by April 1.