When: May 16 to June 11
Course benefits
~ The course is designed to meet the needs of teachers interested in introducing film study at educational institutions.
~ The course is also useful for film society organisers, film critics, journalists, film researchers, government officials handling films and others interested in film studies.
Course curriculum~ It includes theoretical and practical study of the art and history of film and the development of cinema as a medium of art and communication.
~ Film classics, both Indian and international, will be used for critical analysis and study.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be 18 years of age as on July 1, 2004
How to apply
~ Please download the application form at www.nfaipune.nic.in~ Please send the form along with Rs 200 to be remitted by a crossed demand draft payable to Administrative Officer, NFAI, Pune, and one self-addressed evelope with a Rs 5 stamp.
The Director
National Film Archive of India
Law College Road
Pune -- 411 004
~ Please send your application by Speed Post or courier service.
~ If your application is accepted, you must send Rs 5,000 remitted by demand draft in favour of Administrative Officer, NFAI, Pune.
Hostel facility
~ You can avail of the hostel accommodation to be provided by FTII.
~ You will need to pay two separate demand drafts of Rs 2,500 plus Rs 500 towards the hostel.
The last date to submit completed application forms is March 31.