What: The Delegation of the European Commission in India invites Indian journalists to participate in the EU-India Essay Contest for Young Indian Journalists 2005.
This contest is in view of the upcoming Europe Day celebration on May 9.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have been born on or after January 1, 1965.
~ Please read the full list of terms and conditions.
Essay topics
You may choose one of the following topics:
- Cultural Diversity: The Richness that defines both Europe and India
- Regional Cooperation: Can the EU be a role model for South Asia?
- Emerging Geo-political Scenario: EU and India as strategic partners.
- EU and India: Can they together deliver on multilateral trade liberalisation?
Contest rules
~ The length of the essay must be between 2,000 and 2,200 words, excluding footnotes and references.
~ Please type out your essay neatly on one side of the paper.
~ Please send four copies of your essay.
~ Handwritten copies will not be accepted.
~ The essay must be an original piece of work.
~ Please mention page numbers on each page.
Prize list
~ The EC Delegation may award prizes up to three journalists.
~ The winning prize is a free visit to the European Commission headquarters in Brussels before the end of this year.
~ The aim of the trip is to help improve your understanding of the European Union.
~ Your visit will be arranged by the EC Delegation in India and will comprise meetings with officials of the European Commission and other EU institutions.
~ The prize will include a return economy class air-ticket, from Delhi to Brussels and back.
~ It will also include an allowance for three to four days as per the standard rates of the European Commission, which will cover hotel expenses, meals and local transportation.
~ If you come from outside Delhi, the EC Delegation will pay for an economy class air ticket from the nearest airport from your place to Delhi and back.
How to apply
~ Please download the application form at www.delind.cec.eu.int/en/essaycontest
~ Please accompany your form with the four essay copies.
~ Please submit the above in a sealed envelope, clearly marked, EU-India Essay Contest for Young Indian Journalists (Packet not to be opened before due date).
~ The envelope must be addressed to Francisco da Camara Gomes.
Ambassador - Head of Delegation
Delegation of the European Commission in India
65 Golf Links
New Delhi -- 110 003
Phone: (011) 2462 9237
Web site: www.delind.cec.eu.int/en/essaycontest
Important dates
~ The deadline for receiving your entry is 2 pm on April 18.
~ The awarded essays will be announced at the Europe Day celebration in New Delhi on May 9.