What: Chetana's Ramprasad Khandelwal Institute of Management & Research announces admissions for its three-year part-time Master's degree in Marketing Management.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have a bachelor's degree.
~ You must have two years of work experience in an executive/ supervisory position.
~ You will also need to appear for a written test on April 3.
How to apply
~ Please obtain the prospectus and application forms in person on a cash payment of Rs 1,000 towards the admission test and GD/PI fees.
Time: 11 am to 1 pm and 2.30 pm to 5 pm.
For details, please contact: (022) 2642 2827; 2651 3346; 2651 6643
e-mail: chetana@bom5.vsnl.net.in
Web site: www.chetanamgt.org
Chetana's Ramprasad Khandelwal Institute of Management & Research
S No 341
Government Colony
Bandra East
Mumbai -- 400 051
The last date to submit completed application forms is March 31.