A biz contest for students and professionals


March 02, 2005 16:55 IST

What: CoolAvenues.com invites business school students and professionals to participate in In Search of Excellence, a business paper writing competition.

Choice of topics

  • Using e-commerce to fuel rural growth in India.
  • Using Theory of Constraint in improving urban infrastructure (Refer to the book The Goal by Dr Elo Goldratt).
  • Building a junk-bond market in India and its impact on overall economy.
  • Managing attrition in BPO.
  • Impact of celebrity endorsement on overall brand.

Prize list  

  • First prize: Rs 15,000 and a Merit Certificate. 
  • Second prize: Rs 10,000 and a Merit Certificate. 
  • Third prize: Rs 5,000 and Merit Certificate.
  • 50 Consolation prizes: CoolAvenues T-shirts and Merit Certificates.

Rules and Regulations

~ You must be a student of a business school in India.

~ You could also be a professional working for a corporate.

~ The maximum number of authors for a paper cannot be more than two.

~ Your contribution must be an original thought which has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

~ Any plagiarism will lead to disqualification.

~ Your paper will be evaluated on the basis of conceptual and research work.

~ All references and secondary data used should be indexed clearly on a separate sheet at the end of the paper.

~ The word limit for the paper is 3,000 words.

Important dates

~ You must submit your paper by March 31.

~ Shorlisted entries will be declared by April 30.

~ Winners will be declared on May 15 and published in the CoolAvenues Knowledge Zone.

How to enter 

~ Type your essay in soft copy in Microsoft Word, with 1.5 line spacing and font size 10 in Arial.

~ E-mail your entry in soft copy to paper@coolaveneues.com and address it to Shishir Mehta.

~ Your entry should have a cover page mentioning name/s of the author/s, the topic, institute or corporate addresses, e-mails and telephone numbers. This information must not appear in the body of the paper. The cover-page will be detached before the papers are given for panel evaluation.

~ Please visit www.coolavenues.com/paper for further details.

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