What: The Institute of Business Management and Technology invites applications for the following management programmes:
Programme list
Master's Programme in Business Management and Technology
~ The two-year programme is designed on the guidelines proposed by the International Association for Management of Technology, USA, leading to international certification.
Master's Programme in International Business
~ This programme equips students to handle the forces driving globalisation, international systems and in evolving effective strategies.
~ It includes a compulsory foreign study tour and opportunities for international exchange.
Executive MBA
~ This one-year programme, which comes with an international certification, is for employed candidates only.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate in science, commerce or engineering from a recognised university.
~ You could also be a graduate in arts with mathematics and statistics.
~ You must have secured a minimum of 50 percent marks.
How to apply
~ For the complete information package, please send a demand draft of Rs 700 drawn in favor of IBMT, Bangalore.
~ You could also download the application form from www.ibmtedu.net.
Institute of Business Management & Technology
298, 100 feet Ring Road
4th Phase, 7th Block
Banashankari 3rd State
Bangalore -- 560 085
Phones: (080) 26791740, 2679 8528
e-mail: ibmtedu@vsnl.com
Web site: www.ibmtedu.net or www.ibmtedu.org