What: The ITM Institute of Hotel Management, a MSBTE/ AICTE approved hotel school, offers study programmes in collaboration with the Queen Margaret University College, Scotland, and the American Hotel and Motel Lodging Association.
It invites applications for the following programmes:
Programme list
~ Three-year Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Management. This programme is certified by Queen Margaret University College, Scotland.
~ Three-year diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology. This programme is approved by MSBTE and AICTE.
~ Three-year Unique Dual Certificate Program -- BA (IHM) and DHMCT.
~ Two-year ITM diploma in Hotel Management with an option to transfer to QMUC, Scotland, in the third year
Are you eligible?
~ You must have passed Class XII in any discipline.
How to apply
~ For further information and the application form, please contact:
Admission Coordinator
ITM Institute of Hotel Management
25/26, Institutional Area
Sector 4, Kharghar
Navi Mumbai -- 410 210
Phones: (022) 27580903, 27580904, 27564845
e-mail: hmct@itm.edu