What: The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (a deemed university) invites applications for its MBA programme in International Business 2006-2008.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate from a recognised university or institution.
~ You could be a final year student awaiting your result.
Reservation of seats
~ Seats are reserved for SC/ ST and physically handicapped candidates as per Government of India norms.
~ Seats are reserved for foreign nationals and NRI candidates; applications will be considered on the basis of the candidate's GMAT score.
Selection method
~ You will be shortlisted on the basis of your performance in the entrance test.
~ This will be followed by a group discussion, an essay and a personal interview.
How to apply
~ The prospectus and application form can be obtained from the Institute on all working days between 10 am and 4.30 pm on payment of Rs 1,000 (Rs 500 for SC/ ST/ PH candidates).
~ Forms can also be obtained by post by sending a request along with a demand draft of Rs 1,100 (Rs 600 for SC/ST/PH candidates) in favour of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade payable at New Delhi.
~ SC/ ST/ PH candidates should attach a copy of the requisite certificate.
~ You can also apply online by visiting www.iift.edu
For further information please contact:
Dr L D Mago
Sr Administrative Officer
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
B-21, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi -- 110 016
Phones: (011) 26857908, 26965124, 26965051
Fax: (011) 26853956, 26867841
e-mail: admissions2006@iift.ac.in
Web site: www.iift.edu
Important dates
~ Your postal request for the application form must reach the office by August 22.
~ Forms will be available across the counter at IIFT till September 5.
~ Please send your completed application form by September 5.
~ The written test will be held on November 27.