What: The Event Management Development Institute invites applications for the following post-graduate programmes:
~ Post-graduate Diploma in Event Management and Public Relations
~ Post-graduate Diploma in Event Management
~ Diploma in Event Management
Are you eligible?For PGDEMPR/ PGDEM
~ You must be a graduate in any discipline.
~ You could be a final year student awaiting your result.
~ You must have passed Class XII or equivalent examination.
How to apply
~ The admission form and prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs 500 for PGDEMPR and Rs 250 for PGDEM and DEM.
~You can also download the application for by visiting www.emdoworld.com.
Selection method
~ You will be shortlisted on the basis of your performance in the entrance test.
~ This will be followed by a personal interview.
Event Management Development Institute
IES Management College, 4th Floor
Opposite Lilavati Hospital
Bandra Reclamation
Mumbai -- 400 050
Phones: (022) 26550808, 26427171
Fax: (020) 26406154
e-mail: mumbai@emdiworld.com
Event Management Development Institute
C-11, 4th Floor
Dr Herekar Park Building
Near Kamala Nehru Park
Pune -- 411 004
Phones: (020) 25720324, 56206002
e-mail: pune@emdiworld.com
T2/A, Casa Capitol
Wood Street, opposite Brigade Towers
Ashok Nagar
Bangalore -- 560 025
Phones: (080) 51128990, 9243101412, 9243410141
e-mail: bangalore@emdiworld.com
St. Mary's College
Hyderabad -- 500 045
Phone: (040) 55133336
e-mail: hyderabad@emdiworld.com
Web site: www.emdiworld.com