Get that hot body NOW!


July 05, 2005 11:40 IST

At one time, you used to work out regularly. Now, you prefer lying down in front of the television.

Yet, you feel a twinge of envy every time a hot bod passes by.

Don't worry, you can get that hot body too!

How to get started

Figure out what's in it for you, by determining your primary reason for exercising.

~ Is it the way you feel afterwards?

~ Is it the fact that you handle stress better?

~ Is it to keep fit?

~ Is it to lose weight?

~ Is to feel more energetic and alive?

~ Is it just because everyone else seems to be doing it and it's a fad?

Once you've figured out your reasons, you will consciously make the effort and feel motivated to stick to your exercise routine.

Next, set a target for yourself: how much weight you want to lose, how many inches you would like to lose, etc.

Write this down on a piece of paper and pin it up in front of your desk at work, or at home.

This will drum your desire into your head.

Don't procrastinate, take the plunge

i. Start light

Cardio exercises like walking/ jogging on the treadmill, cycling and exercising on the stepper are ideal to begin with.

Brisk walking on the treadmill is a great exercise for starters.

After the first week, you can go from brisk walk to a jog. Do remember to add an incline.

ii. Crunches are a great way to burn fat

It keeps your tummy trimmed and in shape.

Start with a set of 10 and increase gradually.

iii. Exercise in the mornings

Try fitting in your exercise regime in the morning as it helps regulate your appetite during the day.

It controls hunger and boosts metabolism.

iv. How often?

Work the entire body three times a week in a full session.

Complete your workout.

v. Warm-ups, a must

Warm up before your workout with 12-15 minutes on the treadmill.

Do a light warm-up set of 15 repetitions before the workout set of every exercise.

vi. During your workout

Rest after every set.

After every exercise, perform stretching exercises to keep your body flexible.

Do each exercise correctly; concentrate on what you are doing.

vii. No time to gym? Then walk

Sandeep, a bodybuilder and personal trainer, explains, "Two short bouts of exercise every day can actually stimulate the metabolism better than one long bout."

Go for a brisk 15 minute walk in the morning before you leave for work. Take another walk during lunchtime.

Do this five days a week and you will see the results within a month!

Next: What do I eat to lose weight?

Part I: Want to get back into shape?


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