What: The Society for Technical Communication, India Chapter, is organising an employment fair for aspiring technical writers and seasoned professionals.
When: July 2
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
ITC Windsor Sheraton & Towers
Golf Course Road
Bangalore -- 560 552
Event details
~ You will get to interact with potential employers, senior technical documentation professionals and HR professionals.
~ You will be able to understand your potential employers' requirements better.
~ You can attend a one hour session on how to write effective resumes and cover letters.
~ The event will help you understand the scope of technical communication profession in India.
~ Senior HR and technical documentation managers from the software industry will assess the results of the technical writers' salary survey conducted by the STC India chapter in March, 2005.
How to register
~ e-mail Gururaj BS, Secretary, STC India chapter at gururaj.bs@gmail.com with your registration request.
~ The registration fee is Rs 100.
~ Your participation is confirmed only if you receive a confirmation mail from Gururaj BS.
Phone: (080) 22053079
Web site: www.stc-india.org