What: The Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, invites applications for its Graduateship Examination to be held in January.
~ IIIE conducts the graduateship examination as an external examination for candidates to qualify for the Graduate Membership of the Institution.
~ The Graduateship in Industrial Engineering is a professional qualification recognised by the government of India. It is at par with a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering for the purpose of recruitment to superior posts and services under the central government.
~ It is also recognised for admission to a master's degree course in Industrial Engineering through GATE.
~ Written examinations are held in January and July every year.
Are you eligible?
~ You could have passed Class XII and have two years' work experience.
~ You could hold a diploma in engineering and have one year's work experience.
~ You could be a graduate (BA/ BSc/ BCom) with one year's work experience.
~ You could hold a degree in Engineering/ Technology.
~ You could have finished the first two years of your degree course in Engineering/ Technology.
Important date
~ Please register for the January 2006 examination before September 15.
How to apply
~ Obtain the brochure by sending a demand draft of Rs 300 in favour of IIIE, payable at Mumbai.
Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering
Plot 103, Sector 15
Institutional Area
CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai -- 400 614
Phone: (022) 27562562
e-mail: iiie1@vsnl.com
Web site: www.iiie-india.com