What: The Joint Entrance Examination 2006 (JEE-2006) for admission to undergraduate programmes at the following institutes:
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
IT-BHU, Varanasi
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad
Important dates
~ Screening test: One objective type question paper
When: April 9, 2006
Duration: 3 hours
Subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
~ Main examination: Three separate papers (non-objective type)
When: May 21, 2006
Duration: 2 hours for each paper
Subjects: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry
~ Application forms and the information brochure will be available from November 28 to January 6, 2006.
~ Details will be published in leading national dailies and Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar on November 19.
~ The syllabus for the screening test and for the main examination will be same.
~ The detailed syllabus will be available in JEE-2006's information brochure.